
Kino's Yogi Assignment Blog

Statement in Support of the Victims

I support the overwhelming number of women who have come forward to share their stories about K. Pattabhi Jois and thank them for their bravery. I formally denounce the behavior described in vivid detail by the many women who have bravely spoken up as inappropriate and out of alignment with what I believe yoga or basic human decency to stand for. Predatory behaviors such as sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual relationships between teachers and students, inappropriate assists such as touching of genitalia, digital penetration, and dry-humping, as well as manipulation, exploitation or other harmful behaviors have no place in the safe space of the Yoga Shala. I am personally committed to helping the survivors of abusive teachers heal, educating the students and teachers, as well as improving public policy regarding sexual violence and working with international organizations to establish universal standards of behavior in accordance with the yamas and niyamas as outlined in Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras. Seeing, facing and addressing the mistakes of the past is the first step in laying the foundation for a healthy and constructive future. This is bigger than me and bigger than any one individual or yoga tradition and I invite you to join a growing body of yogis committed to the eternal work of yoga, that is, to awaken, to heal, to grow, to evolve, to lead and to love.

Read my original blog on this HERE:https://kinoyoga.com/ashtanga-yoga-accountability-acceptance-action-arena-sexual-appropriateness-hands-assists-kino-macgregor/

Read my yoga #metoo blog HERE:https://kinoyoga.com/metoo/

Note: no segment of this statement or any of the blogs linked above may be shared without my explicit consent.